I really need to stop abandoning my blog!

My weight loss as been uneventful scale wise. Last week showed no difference in my weight – I stayed exactly the same. This week I only lost .2 lbs.

However, I had a couple of non scale victories that have helped me still keep things in perspective. My size 14 jeans are starting to get baggy. Over the weekend, I decided to try on some old dresses that I couldn’t bare to part with because they were so pretty. I fit very comfortably into the size 12 ones! I finally saw a thinner girl in the mirror. I was over the moon! I also went shopping with my mom (mostly window shopping) and I went crazy trying things on that the old me would never try for fear of the sausage look. It was such an amazing feeling being able to try on clothes in regular stores and actually fit in them!

I also went to a music festival with a few of my good friends and we took a lot of pictures. I was curious on how I would look, since I haven’t taken that many pictures since starting Weight Watchers and working out, but the weight loss has finally translated to film! I looked so damn sassy!

So all in all I’ve had a good couple of weeks. The scale will not bring me down! But I still do have a ways to go, so it better start playing nice!

One response »

  1. You’re doing it! You’ve just turned another corner! You go girl!!!!